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Make the Right First Impression

Why every business needs a website, and how to make your website a standout!

The modern consumer market is driven by all things digital - websites, social media, and apps. Your potential customers are searching Google for products and services they need on a daily basis.

What does this mean for small business? Your website is doing the hard yards and making a first impression on behalf of your business. So it's time you got online!



  • The average person spends 5 hours a day on the internet.

  • Desktop users account for 52% of Google searches vs 38% from mobile devices.

  • A massive 75% of all Australians are using a smartphone to search online.

And yet half of all small businesses do NOT have a website.

Regardless of what industry you work in, having an online presence is essential to your business future.

How to Make Your Website a Standout :

1. Develop a website that is mobile responsive

Remember that 18 million Australians own a smartphone. Therefore, your website needs to look stunning on both desktop and mobile devices!

2. Choose a modern design

Outdated websites are boring and lose the interest of their customers. Use beautiful images and bold colours to make sure your website gets people's attention.

3. Create content that inspires your audience

Your website should be helping you convert customers. Include website copy that is simple, concise, easy to read, and informative. Get your customer's attention quickly and keep it!

4. Prove you have experience

Display proof that you provide quality products and services. Add a photo gallery with examples of your work or customer testimonials. Your business is more trustworthy with proven results for customers.

5. Make it easy for people to contact you

Ideally, the potential customers that visit your website will subsequently call, email, or visit your location. Therefore, your contact details should be a primary focus on your website!

Ask our Optimeyes team how we can build you a website that stands out from the rest!

Get in touch >>

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